Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thirty-Ninth Week Email

Well hey there,

   So this week has been a complete wreck haha. Last Saturday, Sunday, and Monday was Korea's thanksgiving called chu-suck. So everything has been closed for a few days so I can finally e-mail all of you today.

Well another crazy fun week in Korea. We had an amazing few days with Investigators and english class. It started off on monday when we went to a Korean folk village with our friend Brother Kim. He's Korean but speaks fluent english with an english accent haha. We saw all of so many amazing things about how the Korean people use to live and it was such a great time. I'll see if I can get some pictures off next week.

We also met with our Investigator Sister Kim who has been going to more church events than we have lately haha. We would show up to our Bishop's house and she would be there, or to our friend's house for chu-suck dinner and there she was again with her two kids haha. That always makes for a great time. But we had an amazing  lesson with her this last week and it really cleared up a lot. So we'll see how well that goes this week. But they are such an amazing family and our relationship with them is built on the gospel and it is so different from the normal relationship that we are just foreigners and speak english.

And at the end of the week on Sunday we went to our member's house who we love and had our chu-suck dinner. When we showed up there was Sister Kim and her son and daughter so we were so happy. And I think my favorite part about the week was we just sat and talked with all of them and they treated us like family. That might be one of the best feelings is to be treated normal when we are completely different from about 99% of the people in this country haha.

Another super funny thing that happened this week was at about 1 am one morning somebody just started pounding on our door really loud. I was so tired and woke up to it but just went straight back to sleep and it happened again. Elder Meigs hopped out of bed and as he hopped out of bed we heard the voice of our Zone Leader Elder Decker. Turns out  that Elder Decker and Elder Pobst (He came to Korea with me) hopped on a bus and missed the stop they should have gotten off at and the bus went straight to the freeway and up to Soul and to the richest part of Soul which I'm sure all of you have heard constantly. It's called Gangnam, which yes I have been hearing that song constantly for a few months now. Every Cell phone store and coffee shop blast that song out on the street. So we spent that night with 4 of us in our tiny apartment and we only have 2 foam pads and a couple blankets so I pretty much did not sleep after they got there.

Well I have to get going now but I love all of you and Happy birthday to Isla just barely, what is she like 6 or 7 by now? And thank you for all of the birthday wishes I love all of you. Have a great week.

Elder Jensen

p.s. I'm with Elder Bricco on a split right now. He is the Grandson of the Bishop that sent me on my Mission.

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