Sunday, October 28, 2012

Forty-Second Week Email


   So.... this has been a long 3 days haha. It's been so much fun
though. Church was a pretty fun experience. I had to do my first
missionary counsel meeting and that was pretty fun. I talked about
most of our Investigator's and it was so fun to speak that long in
Korean. I helped translate for
some of the foreign members in our ward. We have a Korean member who
is going to start a job as translating so she was doing  most of it
but she had to ask me a lot of questions throughout the entire
sacrament meeting. I also translated for Elder Pobst's introducing
talk so that was pretty fun. After that we went to our gospel
doctrines class where our bishop pulled us out and introduced us to a
less active part member family. And now we set up times to eat at our
bishop's house with them this week. I pretty much have no idea how
Elder Meigs did it but I think after some time I'll get use to
constantly planning all of the time. But Elder Pobst and I are doing
great together. We thought this companionship would either ruin our
relationship or make us best friends. I guess we have 6 weeks to see
what happens haha.

Well we had our halloween party last saturday night and it was
awesome. I sat behind a white board and attached candy to the end of a
fishing line for 2 hours straight and helped set up for the party for
3 hours before that. So it was a pretty long night but it turned out
pretty well and the stake is really happy with the missionaries right
now. Sister Kim even helped us out alot with our fishing game that we
set up so it was great to see her there. Her kids had such a great
time so it has just been a great week. Another great thing that I saw
this week was when we were sitting in our gospel doctrines class I saw
our teacher treat Sister Kim just like a member and it was such a
great feeling. I also saw one of our member's daughters pray for the
first time out loud in a very long time. Our Member's family wasn't
coming to church a lot but after Elder Meigs they come out every week
and participate so much. I've also seen the relationship between the
Mom and her daughter's grow so much. I just love my area right now and
everything that is going on.

Well I have to get going but I love all of you. Sorry my e-mail is all
over the place but it's probably going to be like that for a while.
Have a great week ^^

Elder Jensen

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