Sunday, July 22, 2012

Twenty-Ninth Week Email

 Me with the Bishop (Left) and Ward Mission Leader (Right)

 Me and Elder Ward at the Expo:

Me and Elder Ward at the ExpoDear Family & Friends,

Well I only have one more week left in this transfer and it has flown
by so fast. Gwangyang has been pretty fun. I've had to get use to a
lot of new things but I guess that's always something that will happen
every 6 weeks of my mission.

anyways not a whole lot happened in the past week. We knocked on so
many doors and talked to so many people. We did have so many
oppurtunities to do service for the branch. I think one of my most
favorite oppurtunities was with a less active who owns a compound
haha. Our Branch President called us saturday morning and talked about
how the less active needed help repairing some damage to his property
because of the typhoon (ps there was a typhoon). So we showed up and
worked for a couple hours with him, his son, and a woman that they
knew. Everything was going fine until lunch time when he started to
tell us (yell) about his theory of faith. It was one of those
where they start to talk and they don't want any input so we had to
sit there and listen about why our teachings were so bad. But we were
able to say a few things. Well after we left his house we weren't
exactly in the happiest mood haha. It was frustrating but everybody
has agency, and we served someone so we tried to focus on that. So as
we went through out the day that seemed to be our focus. We were just
trying to stay positive which really makes a difference in missionary
work but as we were on our way to our last person to visit for the day
we took the long way to their house. We were just walking when all of
a sudden here comes the lady that we had worked with that morning. She
was super nice to us that morning and we just talked about families
and she had her two twin daughters who loved us within 2 seconds of
meeting us. Just talking with her again and seeing how positive she
still was even though she sat through probably the strangest lunch
ever, really made an affect on us. As missionaries you always think
that you need to be that positive affect on somebody's life but
there's people that we meet just like in that situation who can turn
my entire day around.

As always I'm realizing so many things throughout everyday that I
would never have thought about before my mission. It's just a great
time to be where I'm at right now and I love it. I love all of you and
I'll talk to you next time.

젠슨 장로

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