Monday, December 31, 2012

Fifty-First Week Email


   Well that was a crazy week. It was very strange to talk to my
family... They are kind of a weird bunch haha. I'm kidding I love
them. But that was so nice to be able to say hi and it's always
awkward because I have stuff planned to talk about but I never talk
about it haha.

   Anyways my Christmas was wonderful mainly because all of you are
amazing and I really felt your love during this Christmas season. We
were also able to go with the other Elder's in our city to visit the
Sister's at the Hospital. One of the Sister's was in the Hospital for
4 days and we did everything we could to make her Christmas special.
But don't worry she's all better now and She's out working again.

   Well we had a few fun things this week. We had our Christmas party
that some of our Investigators showed up for. And lets just say Korea
is an interesting place haha. I'm not going to tell you everything the
missionaries did for our performance but just know that our Member's
loved it haha.

   We were also able to go out to the country side and help out one of
our member's with some service. His name is Brother Kim (I think the
only people I e-mail home about have the last name Kim) and he loves
having us around. His wife and daughter live in Seoul but he doesn't
like the city at all so he lives in a two room house that is heated by
a wood burning stove. And he is just happy living like that. He really
misses his family but he is able to see them a lot. Well we went out
and climbed up a down a mountain side carrying wood and branches for
about 3 hours straight and I just loved it. It reminded me of all the
camping and fixing up properties that we use to do when I was younger.
But we were able to get him enough wood to supply him for another
month or two and he would just laugh and say 나무 부자 (Wood rich person)
haha. It was so much fun and I think I kind of missed service
opportunities like that. When I was in Suwon it was such a big city it
was hard to find service projects like that. But We'll probably head
out there in another month or two and get some more wood for him.
Mainly because Korea is freezing haha.

   We were also able to meet our Member's son. Our Member Brother Kang
has one of the strongest testimony's I have ever seen. From the time
he met with the first missionaries and before he was baptized he read
the Book of Mormon twice. He had tried to help his children meet the
missionaries but they didn't want to at the time. Well we still don't
know what happened but His son showed up the first week I came to
Jeonju and he's been out to church ever since. After we became friends
he finally was okay with having us over and start the lessons last
saturday. It was so much fun and he thinks we are just funny. Mainly
because he thinks we can't do anything in Korea because of the
language haha. Anyways we had such an amazing lesson. He's Dad is just
such an amazing support for him and we would just kind of teach about
something and ask him a few questions and then his Dad would come in
and bear testimony and just teach in such a loving way. It was such an
amazing thing to see. And he is just like his dad. He has been
studying with his Dad lately and he's so outgoing in church and isn't
afraid to speak up whenever the teacher asks a question. We have set
up a few meetings throughout the week and yesterday (Sunday) His
daughter came out to church we were all just friends immediately. The
Sister Missionaries were able to talk with his daughter a lot and
during our ward lunch we just had fun.

  Well life is good and I love all of you. I love Korea and I'm having
the time of my life. it's going by fast and I'm trying to make
everyday count. Have a great week and I'll talk to all of you next

젠슨 장로

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