That was a crazy week haha. Well first of all I want to thank all of you for so many birthday wishes. I had a really great day on Saturday. I met two new investigators, had a party at english class, and I was sent home with a giant cheese cake that we finished up last night. It was a big difference from a normal birthday but all I wanted to do on Saturday was just work haha. And I almost got away with out anybody knowing about my birthday because there are two Elder Jensens in the mission.
Well I started off the week with another split with Elder Lyons who is the office Elder. Nice to get those Elders out of the office sometimes haha. I did learn that I can't sleep on soft beds or with air conditioning. I tossed and turned until 4amand finally layed on the carpet concrete ground with another blanket and slept like a baby after that haha. But the best part of the split was not a single thing went according to plan but we saw some pretty great miracles. Through talking to a few people and walking with them we ended up right out side of the campus of a big university. They were having a giant fest on campus and as soon as we stopped talking to one kid a bunch of people standing at a table offered us alcohol so we thought we would just turn around and get out of there haha. Well as soon as we turned around I met one of the coolest students I have ever met. Who by some miracle has always wondered about our church and just has always had unanswered questions about religion. So we just said we could give him the answers to his questions according to our beliefs but the better thing would be going through our sets of lessons and just trying to see what kind of answers he could find for himself. He absolutely loved it and was completely blown away that we didn't start arguing about the bible or just tell him to come to church.
We also had a couple of great english classes this week. As always Tim and Kevin the twin boys were a highlight on my week. I was conducting the class and Kevin just walks in and sits down next to me very quietly. I just said hello and asked him how he was doing. He responded in the exact same animated voice he used the week before, "I'm Kevin!" we all had a laugh and I asked him where Tim was. At that exact moment Tim walks in the back door of the room with the same animated voice saying, "I'm Tim!" People were almost falling out of their chairs. I asked Tim how he was and he said, "I'm 11!" There birthdays were on the first so Elder Gibbons and I ducked out a little early to go grab choco pies and juice for everybody and we had a small party after class and everybody there was so great. We were also able to announce about general conference coming up this weekend and we actually have about half of the class coming out.
Another miracle on the week was meeting Brother Song and Tom. Brother Song met missionaries 15 years ago when he was 20. He met a missionary named Elder Hart from california and that could not have been a bigger blessing. It turns out Elder Hart absolutely loved his mission and the Korean people. He adopted a small Korean boy and still makes a lot of Korean blogs and things like that. Well he was best friends with Brother Song 15 years ago but Brother Song had to go off to the military and when we returned home for leave he would always find letters from Elder Hart who still wrote him from America. They have been really good friends on Facebook recently and they have plans to have a vacation in America sometime soon. Well we have only met once but for some reason or another Brother Song wanted to learn about our church again. He hasn't told Elder Hart yet but he called our ward mission leader and we made the appointment to meet up. He has been confused between science and religion for sometime but right off the bat when he asked us a question about the creation we were able to just show him a scripture and talk about it for 10 minutes and he said that made sense to him. He told us the problem with religion is that you can't ask questions because you are just told to believe and listen in church. He asked us what it was like here and we told him about the class that our Ward Mission Leader teaches. He sometimes teaches out of the Gospel Principles book but he always starts off the class with asking for questions. So we just started to process with Brother Song and I am nothing but excited to spend this time with him and see what both of us can learn.
I've been trying to write down every single miracle that I see in a day, and also the positive to every situation. It has just made me more able to see the good things in my life right now and it has been really nice to notice them more often. I love everything about my life here. I had a great week and I'm looking forward to this week. I wish it would just slow down already but I'll just have to work harder to make all of these fast moments count. I love all of you and I hope you have an amazing week.
젠슨 장로
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