Well I felt like I was sitting in this seat e-mailing all of you yesterday. I don't think I like how fast that went but we did see so many great things this past week. Next monday we get our transfer calls and it felt like a blink of an eye so I'm not too happy about that. I had my last split of the transfer with Elder Lyons who lives in my house. I have still not had just a normal day on a split for my entire mission. But we just walked out the door and said that we were going to find somebody and the second person I talked to took us to his work and we talked for an hour and it was so much fun. He's a university student and he wants to go to america to become a cop so he needs to study and practice english a lot. I have taught so much english on my mission and it really makes me understand that I do not know anything about english haha. I just speak english and throw out every grammer rule when I speak. I'm sure all of you could notice in my weekly letters. The nice thing is that most Korean people just want to practice talking because they never have the oppurtunity in school. In the Korean Culture when kids go to school they are expected to sit there and listen to everything the teacher says and they aren't encouraged to asked questions very much so that has always made it interesting while we have taught people. But after a few lessons we are able to build a pretty good relationship and when we give them the oppurtunities to ask questions it just makes the lesson so much better. And this week for the new missionary training program Elder Hughes has the lead on all lessons and planning sessions so he's been having a pretty good time learning how to lead lessons.
We weren't able to meet Sister Go this last week between schedules and her trips out into the country side to visit her mom. And I realized a little more how much I love this ward. I had talked to Sister Go on Saturday night and she was just so sad. I had no idea what was going on and we aren't allowed to council anybody about problems like that and she was really sad that we couldn't meet as well. And we had planned on talking about that problem in our missionary coordination meeting and filled out one of our records about having one of the member's that she had built a relationship call her and see if she could help with anything or invite them over to dinner. But once sacrament meeting closed our old bishops wife came up and asked me where Sister Go was and I explained a little bit about how her mom needs a lot of help and our member Sister Kim said that she had the thought that she needed to call her yesterday but she wasn't exactly sure why but I was just blown away. After I gave her Sister Go's number I got a call back from Sister Go that night and she was just so happy and told me that she had talked with Sister Kim and we were all going to go over there on thursday night for dinner. I am so amazed at what my member's do on a week to week basis. I'm not going to lie Korea is a very straightforward place and there are very few members here and they are just so different. They are so different from what the culture tells them to do and they are told that constantly. But they are so strong. I'm so grateful that I can see their example and they help me so much. I feel so selfish because I feel like I gain so much out of every conversation with them and I just want to help them more in every way possible but they just send me off and to add insult to injury they send me off with food. So I just love these members and everything they do for us.
Well I have to get going but I love all of you. I hope you all have a great week.
젠슨 장로
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