Well this has just been such an interesting week haha. I had two splits, a korean traditional wedding, and I just love the people that I'm meeting with these days so much.
So I guess I'll just start off with the beginning of my week. So I started off the week having an interview with the Sister's investigator who is being baptized this Saturday. Her name is Sister Lee and she is just so amazing. She actually married an american who is a member of our church and she has been meeting with the missionaries for a few months now. But the thing that surprised me was that after we got the interview done we all met together and that's when they invited us to the wedding. And it wasn't just an invitation but we were all asked if we could be a part of the Korean Traditional wedding. And Korean traditional weddings are very different from american weddings. I hope all of you can see the pictures but they have a ceremony with the groom for about 10 minutes where he is given a wooden duck and eats all of these korean traditional tea's and side dishes. And once that is all done the Bride gets carried in inside a wooden box by 4 men. And those 4 men were me, Elder Hughes, Elder Lyons, and Elder Zaleski. And by this time we had gathered a very big crowd because we were all foreigners and it was so interesting to see haha. We had a bunch of people after the wedding wanting to take pictures of us with all of the Korean traditional clothing on and it was just such a great time.
Another really fun thing that happened this week was we were able to meet with Sister Go and her son Geehyun. They are just so amazing and we did have a really fun time trying to find a member to go meet with them. We had everything planned a week in advance but whoever is familiar with missionary work knows that all of that can fall about 2 hours before the appointment haha. So I get on the phone and called every single Brother in my ward and of course it was the day for the ward picnic in another city. But luckily my Ward Mission Leader is amazing and dropped everything he was doing to come meet with us. The funny part was that he lives really far out in the countryside and he was with his family. So instead of one member I showed up with a family of members haha. But Sister Go has a great relationship with half the ward already so it was such a great lesson. We had given her the commitment to read the gospel of Jesus Christ and the first thing she said when we started to follow up was just baptism. That is all she said when I asked her what she thought about the entire chapter and that's how she responded haha. But we had a really great lesson and we were able to explain everything really well and it felt just like we were talking. And after we finished we were talking and Sister Go was talking about some other members and talking a lot about our ward and my Ward missionary leader's wife just laughed and said that Sister Go sounds like a member. But we have a lot of plans this week and I'm just so excited to see how it turns out.
Other than all of those amazing things it was just a week of work. I was able to get splits going and splits are always amazing. I have never had just an average split. Something just amazing always happens like we take a wrong bus and we end up in the middle of nowhere where we found the most amazing person ever. We introduced ourselves to him clear out in the middle of nowhere, where they have probably not seen a foreigner in a long time, and he responded by asking if we were going to tell him to believe in Jesus Chirst. But about 30 minutes later he gave us his phone number and he has driven into town to meet the missionaries twice and came out to church. And apparently he had an amazing experience at church because he actually knew one of the member's who had never really talked to him about religion because he knew how Brother Kim felt about religion. So that was such a miracle and I'm so excited to see what's going to happen in the future.
Well I have to get going but I love all of you and I hope you have an amazing week. I know that I will have one^^ (Korean smiley face)
Elder Jensen
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