Hello! Sorry about last week but we had some technical difficulties at the local library. But it was a pretty average week though so I'm sorry i couldn't tell you all about it. Just know that I still loved that week of my mission. Anyways this last week was a really interesting week for us in Jeonju. This last week was 설날 Solar (I have no idea how to spell that in english) But that means Chineese new years. But you can't say that in Korea or else they get a little upset. Anyways it was such a fun week because it is probably the biggest holiday in Korea. They have so many traditions that they honor and we were actually able to go to our Member's house and spend chineese new year wtih an amazing family and the Sister missionaries. Which means we were the only foreigners there haha.
Well I'll start with Saturday. Whenever there is a big holiday like this the mission feels like we could use this time a little more effective so they schedule something like a cleaning day. So the entire district spent all day inside their houses scrubbing EVERYTHING. We were actually able to get out of the house to go meet our friend Jack who is one of our best friends here. He took us out to lunch and he really likes hanging out with us and we have been able to work with him a lot lately and he actually came to church with us this last Sunday. Well anyways we spent all day saturday cleaning everything in our house. And it was a little hard for us because our house is a little bigger than most houses in the mission. because our Member's Mom before she passed away gave her apartment to the mission and it is my favorite house so far. And that member is our neighbor and they were the ones who invited us over on Sunday morning for the traditional meal and they included us into everything. One of the traditions that we were included in was doing the traditional bowing to the father and mother of the family and telling them to recieve new years blessings. After that they give us counsel and Brother Lee is pretty much amazing and he told us how much missionarie's have blessed him and his familie's life and he thanked us so much. I think that was one of those moments during my mission where I actually realized what missionary's do throughout the world everyday and how I've had such amazing examples in my life because of other missionarie's. After that breakfast time we went and met Jack and went to church. We went from a normal 90 people to about 20 and it was such a great Sunday. We only had sacrament meeting but Everybody came in their traditional Korean Clothing and Brother Lee actually gave a talk and talked about Elder Brown and i having our first and last Chineese new year in Korea. And everybody had a good laugh when he told them that he had us participate in the bowing and other traditions.
Sorry this is such a boring letter this week but it was a great week in Korea. I learned so much about this amazing Culture. It's so different and at times it can seem a little strange (Dog soup) But I can really appreciate the respect they have for their elders and for their ancestor's. We have also been working a lot with Kyongman and we have such a great relationship there. We weren't able to meet most of our Investigator's last week because everybody travels for the week but we did meet a lot of new amazing people. I'm still having the time of my life in South Korea and it's all happening really fast. But I'm just trying to take all of it in and get to know this people as well as I can. I love everything about my mission so far and I'm so grateful for all of the oppurtunities I have to learn and grow especially in the Gospel. I love all of you and I'll try to make next week better. Have a great week!
젠슨 장로
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