Thursday, December 13, 2012

Forty-Eigth Week Email


   Hey there everyone. So one of the coldest weeks of my life but it has been a good one. I did make the trip down to Jeonju this last week at I have just been bundled up the entire time with thermals, sweaters, and all of my warm stuff. I was actually really surprised by how much it snows in Korea. I'll try to send some pictures off today so all of you can see. 

   Well my week was a little sad. It's never fun to say goodbye to friends but I know that Elder Joe will take care of them. I think the hardest one was to Sister Kim and Junesoo. So we had a blizzard last Wednesday. Well Wednesday is when we have our english class but traffic was crazy and snow was coming down like crazy so we didn't have anybody really show up to english class. But Sister Kim took a bus through a ton of traffic and came to say goodbye with Junesoo. She made me a little picture album with a ton of pictures of all of our fun moments and she bought me a scarf that I really needed. That was probably the saddest goodbye so far of my mission. I'm really going to miss Sister Kim and her family but I basically commanded Elder Joe to keep on visiting them and loving them.

   But now I'm in Jeonju and it is so amazing. It's not as big as suwon but it's still a pretty big city. It's also getting easier and easier to give my introduction talk at church's every time I transfer. And the ward was so nice and it was probably one of my favorite Sunday's of my mission. And it was really nice to serve around 3 other missionary's in Suwon who served in my new area called Joongang. They gave me so much advice before I left and I was able to ask a lot of my ward member's about those missionary's and it made them so happy. A pretty fun thing that happened yesterday though was that I served with a missionary named Elder Miller up in Suwon. Well he was in this area two transfers ago and his recent convert is was one of the strongest member's in the ward here. Well he brought his son up to us yesterday and the first thing he said while pointing to his son was 침례 안받았아요 which means very bluntly he hasn't been baptized haha. I love how blunt the Korean culture is sometimes haha. Anyways after the awkward laugh we just talked to him for a while and set up an appointment to meet this week. He was a really nice guy so that was something cool to happen our first week. When Elder Miller heard he was blown away that his son actually came out to church and talked to us. So it's great to see something like that happen in your first week in a new area. I'm super excited to see what Elder Rice and I can do this transfer together.

Well I have to get going now but I love all of you and I'll talk to you next week. And don't worry Elder Rice and I set up a Christmas tree and it's actually really starting to feel like Christmas time. We have been making Christmas message cards that we will hang on our member's doors. So it's honestly an amazing time to be a missionary right now.

젠슨 장로

Pictures: Me (I look like I'm about to rob a bank.... but very warm) and my adorable Companion Elder Joe. Sister Kim, Junesoo, and me wearing the scarf she gave me. And my Christmas tree.

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