Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sixty-Fourth Week Email


   Well as always I had another amazing week in Jeonju this week. And the week ended in a perfect way with Conference. And honestly Conference was just so amazing. Our district was focusing on preparing our investigators for conference and also preparing ourselves for conference and it was just such a great weekend. As always we watched it a week later and we all met in the stake center. All of the missionaries all watched conference in english in a separate room while all of the member's watched it in Korean in the chapel. I think the best thing about this week though was a new Mother and Son that we met.

   About two weeks ago Elder Hughes and I were walking back from church when this women yelled at us from her care and motioned for me to come over. I said hello and she asked if we were LDS missionaries. She used the old Korean name for the church but I still said yes and she said she was very busy and had to get going but she use to go to our church when she was little with her Mother and older sister. But she told us that she wants her son to start going to church and she asked for our pass a long card. So I gave it to her and she had to drive off real fast. Well last monday she gave us a call on our ride home from the P-day activity and wanted to meet. So she asked if we had time that night and just like that we had an appointment in 2 hours, not dressed, and needed one of our Member's to go with us to visit haha. Well luckily every part about this wonderful ward is so strong, including the Priesthood holders. The first Member we called just asked us when and where and he would meet us. After a great time with Sister Go and Geehyun (her son) we set up appointments for the next night and the next week. We found out that she was really young but she remembers the foreign missionaries coming to her house to visit her Mom and older sister and she just remembers how much fun she had back then. She has just been so accepting and was so willing to start reading the Book of Mormon and she really wants to be a good example to her son. She also said that she would come out to General conference so we were very excited for that.

    Then yesterday I realized that the church in Korea is the exact same church as America. Of course the Gospel is the same every where but the first session started at 10 and at 9:58 here comes that caravan of minivans and small suv's full of our member's families all running into the building haha. Anyways that made it a little difficult to get Sister Go and the family that we are going to be working with to sit together but it all turned out great. And this Stake has just grown up together and it's honestly such a great feeling to be sitting with all of them in between sessions and eating. It just feels like we are at a giant family reunion and it was really great for Sister Go to see that.

   Well I have to get going but I can tell all of you that my prayers were answered this weekend as we listened to the Prophet and our other Leaders. I learned so much and I hope I can never forget some of the very important things that I learned. I love all of you and I hope you have a fantastic week. I know that I will.

젠슨 장로

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